Keep a digital record of your livestock
Track your mobs and individual animals digitally and easily retrieve your information any time you need it.
Manage your mobs >
Use the Farmdeck app to create mobs of cattle or sheep and gain a complete view of your livestock.
Manually move mobs across your paddocks on the map or use sensors to track them automatically and in real-time to always know where they are.
When you create a mob, you can keep records of the following information all in one place:
- Livestock heads, gender, breed and age
- Vaccine and drenching records
- Grazing management, including the number of days spent in the current paddock, DSE load, and time to next move
- Financials, including purchases and sales details
The difference is in the detail: individual animal tracking>
Farmdeck can keep detailed records of individual animal to manage their journey on your farm. In addition to basic information, like livestock age, you can record key milestones in the Farmdeck app. You can know more about your livestock than ever before by recording the following information about your livestock:
- Lifecycle information, including date of birth and origin
- Weight records, such as starting weight, current weight and goal weight
- Breeding information, such as pregnancy scans and any progeny of your livestock
- Financial records, including purchase and sale details